Banyuls Wine Vinegar

Banyuls Wine Vinegar 500ml

Made from grapes grown in the French region of Banyuls-sur-Mer, this wine vinegar is aged for five years in oak casks to achieve the ideal flavor. This type of red wine vinegar has a tangy, mildly sweet taste with the aroma of walnuts.

Banyuls vinegar can be used to enhance any number of dishes, including meat, vegetables, salads, and more. Drizzle it over toasted bread with sun-dried tomatoes and cream cheese. Serve it on a charcuterie board with fresh fruit and dry-cured meats. Or use a small amount of this gourmet French vinegar to add depth to sauces and stews.

Item Number:  SAN-VI207 Category:


Banyuls Wine Vinegar 500ml

Made from grapes grown in the French region of Banyuls-sur-Mer, this wine vinegar is aged for five years in oak casks to achieve the ideal flavor. This type of red wine vinegar has a tangy, mildly sweet taste with the aroma of walnuts.

Banyuls vinegar can be used to enhance any number of dishes, including meat, vegetables, salads, and more. Drizzle it over toasted bread with sun-dried tomatoes and cream cheese. Serve it on a charcuterie board with fresh fruit and dry-cured meats. Or use a small amount of this gourmet French vinegar to add depth to sauces and stews.

Additional information

Weight 500 ml

Unit 1/500ml, Case 6/500ml